Sunday, March 6, 2011

And she is 24

Another year has flown by! For my Birthday my friends and family provided great company while waiting 3 HOURS to get a table at Psycho Suzies. Great food, fun bar and a great way to celebrate another birthday. Sunday we spent the day with the family (we being my Dad and I who share the same birthday) and had a typical relaxing Sunday with the Hughes. Couldn't ask for much more!

Although there are always times when it feels like the clock is not moving, looking back I cannot believe all that has happened to me this year!!! I graduated and moved back home, started graduate school and am living my dream of traveling the country. There is so much I feel I have left to do in life, but so far my 20's have been quite a ride. Hopefully the next 6 years will slow down a little and be just as interesting as the last four. I posted some of the pics from my previous b-day's just for fun:)

1 comment:

  1. Kristine! You look so great! I almost didn't recognize you :)
