Monday, December 19, 2011

Wedding Days

I had the pleasure of shooting Mr. & Mrs. Tim Johnson'swedding December 10th 2011. You couldn't have picked a more fun and loving couple! The added bonus was being able to take my sister Katie along, and introduce her to the world of wedding photography. Here are a couple of our favorite s
hots, enjoy:)

Monday, October 17, 2011


Saturday I had the pleasure of taking senior pictures for Mr. Austin Thelen! It was perfect weather, and really awesome to walk around Minneapolis to get these great shots!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Senior Pics for 2012

I had the pleasure of shooting with Miss. Jessica Klebs Class of 2012,
She picked the perfect location (evidenced by the 4+ wedding parties that were there also taking pictures): Como Zoo Conservatory! Although I got yelled at a couple of times for breaking the rules, it was worth it for the great shots we got:)Not to mention the weather was perfect, sunny and 80. I am working on editing her final CD cut now, but here are a few of my already favorites! Enjoy:)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Best of...

So I decided to keep up on my blog I would start posting best of every week to share some of my favorite photos or memories. This week is Flowers:) My next door neighbor happens tohave an amazing garden which she is alwayswilling to let meshoot. Stress melts away when taking pictures of nature, and flowers in particular are one ofmyfavorite subjects. Enjoy!


So I have been a little late in posting some of my current projects, but better now than never!In July I got to visit Sioux Falls to take pictures ofMiss Ella May, and what a energeticbeautiful girl she is:) We got tovisit the falls, butterfly houseand had lots of fun free time with family. Here are a few of my favorites moments:)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Do what you love

No matter what you do in life, always know what makes you happy. For me ... photography:) I enjoy portraits, but doing photo shoots outside is by far the most relaxing. Today I was in a funk, and after this mini shoot I feel so much better. There really is something to be said about connecting with nature...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

New Beginning

The newest addition to our family Tyler Xiuyun Fu is finally here! Here is a picture from the hospital...I am sure I will take tons more soon:)

Senior Pictures

Sunday I had the opportunity to take pictures for Spencer and it was COLD! We did outdoor pictures at the stone arch bridge in Minneapolis, and indoor pictures at the Depot. Aside from him freezing, the pictures turned out great! Here are few of my favorites...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Capturing the sun

Taking pictures of flowers has always been a passion of mine. Today I felt a little creative and took my birthday flowers outside. By chance the sun was setting and I lined them up so the sun was in the background. I have never felt that all the elements added up like this before! And I think the pictures turned out absolutely beautiful.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Beauty Surrounds Us

Pictures taken of the beautiful flowers Briana gave me for my birthday:)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

And she is 24

Another year has flown by! For my Birthday my friends and family provided great company while waiting 3 HOURS to get a table at Psycho Suzies. Great food, fun bar and a great way to celebrate another birthday. Sunday we spent the day with the family (we being my Dad and I who share the same birthday) and had a typical relaxing Sunday with the Hughes. Couldn't ask for much more!

Although there are always times when it feels like the clock is not moving, looking back I cannot believe all that has happened to me this year!!! I graduated and moved back home, started graduate school and am living my dream of traveling the country. There is so much I feel I have left to do in life, but so far my 20's have been quite a ride. Hopefully the next 6 years will slow down a little and be just as interesting as the last four. I posted some of the pics from my previous b-day's just for fun:)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A view from my lense

I decided to create this blog to share the new and exciting developments for Kristine Hughes Photography, as well as share a little about the woman behind the camera and the exciting developments in my life. Hope you enjoy:)

My little sister recently got a DSLR, and was takin pictures throughout the house trying out her new camera. Watching her reminded me of how much I used to love just taking pictures of random things when ever I felt "inspired" to do so. So after she left I bundled up and went outside to do a little creative photo shoot with the flowers I had gotten my Mom for her birthday. Although the neighbors driving by thought I was crazy, they turned out very cool.